Robertson Harpsichords
Harpsichord Painter ~ Soundboard Painter ~ Artist ~ Technician

Soundboard Paintings

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Soundboard Painting
Soundboard Painting
Soundboard detail
Soundboard detail
Soundboard detail
Soundboard detail
Soundboard detail
Soundboard detail
Soundboard detail
Soundboard detail
Soundboard detail
Soundboard detail
Soundboard detail
Soundboard detail
French Stehlin
French Stehlin
Ruckers Flemish Octave Spinet
Ruckers Flemish Octave Spinet
Ruckers Flemish Octave Spinet
Ruckers Flemish Octave Spinet
18th century French Style
18th century French Style
18th century French Style
18th century French Style
18th century French Style
18th century French Style
18th century French Style Wreath
18th century French Style Wreath
18th century French Style
18th century French Style
18th century French Style on Wrestplank
18th century French Style on Wrestplank
18th century French Style Wreath
18th century French Style Wreath
18th century French Style
18th century French Style
Ruckers Style Soundboard
Ruckers Style Soundboard
Ruckers Style Soundboard
Ruckers Style Soundboard
Muselaar Virginal after Couchet 1680
Muselaar Virginal after Couchet 1680
Detail of Muselar soundboard
Detail of Muselar soundboard
Virginal Soundboard detail
Virginal Soundboard detail
18th century French Style
18th century French Style
Franco/Flemish Harpsichord Soundboard
Franco/Flemish Harpsichord Soundboard
Soundboard Painting
Soundboard Painting
Soundboard painting detail before stringing.
Soundboard painting detail before stringing.
Franco/Flemish Harpsichord Soundboard
Franco/Flemish Harpsichord Soundboard
Painted Soundboard
Painted Soundboard
Flemish Soundboard
Flemish Soundboard
Flemish Soundboard
Flemish Soundboard
Flemish Soundboard
Flemish Soundboard
Franco/Flemish Harpsichord Soundboard
Franco/Flemish Harpsichord Soundboard
Soundboard of a Franco/Flemish harpsichord based on the original instrument in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts by Couchet~Blanchet~Taskin
Soundboard of a Franco/Flemish harpsichord based on the original instrument in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts by Couchet~Blanchet~Taskin
Franco/Flemish Harpsichord Soundboard
Franco/Flemish Harpsichord Soundboard
Franco/Flemish Harpsichord Soundboard
Franco/Flemish Harpsichord Soundboard
Soundboard detail
Soundboard detail
Soundboard detail
Soundboard detail
Soundboard detail
Soundboard detail
Soundboard painting comission for an instrument built in the style of Jean-Antione Vaudry Paris 1681.
Soundboard painting comission for an instrument built in the style of Jean-Antione Vaudry Paris 1681.
After a harpsichord by Jean-Antoine Vaudry
After a harpsichord by Jean-Antoine Vaudry
Early French Style Harpsichord Soundboard Painting
Early French Style Harpsichord Soundboard Painting
French Soundboard Painting
French Soundboard Painting
French Soundboard Painting Detail
French Soundboard Painting Detail
Late Flemish Soundboard Painting in the style found on instruments of Albertus Delin
Late Flemish Soundboard Painting in the style found on instruments of Albertus Delin
Delin Soundboard Painting Detail
Delin Soundboard Painting Detail
Flemish soundboard painting details
Flemish soundboard painting details
Flemish soundboard painting details
Flemish soundboard painting details
Flemish style soundboard painting after Hans Ruckers 1581 Octave Spinet Virginal
Flemish style soundboard painting after Hans Ruckers 1581 Octave Spinet Virginal